Web Applications for Interactive Environmental Modeling

PhD Defense

Jeffrey D. Walker

Dept. Civil & Environmental Engineering

Tufts University

March 28, 2014

Presentation Tutorial

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  • Problems
  • Methodology
  • Project 1: Water Quality Model
  • Project 2: Watershed Model
  • Project 3: Living Model
  • Discussion & Conclusions

The Problems

  • Model Understanding
  • Model Accessibility
  • Model Life Cycle

Model Understanding

Kuljis (1994). User interfaces and discrete event simulation models

Model Accessibility

Chapra (2003). Engineering Water Quality Models and TMDLs

Model Accessibility

Chapra (2003). Engineering Water Quality Models and TMDLs

Model Life Cycle

USEPA (2008). Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters


Client-side web applications built using web standards to create interactive and visual model interfaces

Web Communications

Web-based Simulation Architectures

Byrne et al. (2010) A review of Web-based simulation and supporting tools

Project 1

Web-based Interactive River Model (WIRM)


  • Demonstrate client-side approach to simulation and visualization using web standards (HTML, JavaScript)
  • Store model parameters on server to promote model sharing and collaboration

Walker, J. D., and Chapra, S. C. (2014). A client-side web application for interactive environmental simulation modeling. Environmental Modelling & Software, 55, 49-60




  • Client-side approach not only possible, but is surprisingly fast
  • Strong potential for interactive interfaces
  • Raises new questions:
    • Are interactive interfaces useful? How?
    • What else can we do? Add data? Calibration?

Project 2

Web-based Interactive Watershed Model (WIWM)


  • Use interactive visualizations to understand model theory
  • Incorporate input and observation data for dynamic simulations
  • Interactive interfaces for model calibration

Cognitive Perspective

Can interactive visualizations help us understand how models work? If so, how?

  • Mental model formation
  • Amplify cognition

Mental Models

"Mental models are the mechanisms whereby humans are able to generate descriptions of system purpose and form, explanations of system functioning and observed system states, and predictions of future system states."
- Rouse & Morris (1986)

Mental Models

Liu and Stasko (2010) Mental models, visual reasoning and interaction in information visualization: a top-down perspective

Amplify Cognition

Card et al. (1999). Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think

abcd Water Balance Model

abcd Model Diagram

Developed by Thomas (1981)

Mass Balance

$$\Delta Storage = \sum{Inflow_t} - \sum{Outflow_t} $$

$$Storage_t - Storage_{t-1} = \sum{Inflow_t} - \sum{Outflow_t} $$

$$Storage_{t-1} + \sum{Inflow_t} = Storage_t + \sum{Outflow_t} $$

Mass Balance Diagram

Mass Balance Diagram
$$ Storage_{t-1} + \sum{Inflow_t} = Storage_t + \sum{Outflow_t} $$

Soil Moisture Diagram

Soil Moisture Mass Balance Diagram
$$ Soil_{t-1} + Precip_t = Soil_t + ET_t + Runoff_t + Recharge_t $$

Soil Moisture Diagram

Soil Moisture Mass Balance Diagram
$$ Soil_{t-1} + Precip_t = Soil_t + ET_t + Runoff_t + Recharge_t $$




  • Interactive visualizations are a powerful way of understanding model theory and behavior
  • Client-side applications can maintain application state and perform data input/output using text files
  • Next question:
    • Can we couple a model to input data sources?

Project 3

Living Model


  • Couple client-side application to server-side data management system
  • Interface to inspect and manage the data
  • Interface to explore and refine the model


Living Model Architecture




  • Living model provides an interactive interface for updating and evaluating model simulations
  • Important to provide interfaces for supervising the process
  • Potential to fundamentally change how we use models
  • Future Research
    • Data processing algorithms (cleaning, filling, ...)
    • Additional data management interfaces



  • Not all models will run in the browser
  • Performance limitations
  • Need more research on the "science of interaction"

Future Research

  • Try different models
  • Geospatial visualizations
  • Data exploration and analysis
  • Decision support systems


  • Standard web languages provide the performance and features necessary to support client-side simulation modeling
  • Client-side applications support highly interactive modeling interfaces
  • Visual interaction improves understanding of model theory and behavior
  • Use web services to couple models to data sources and improve the model life cycle
  • Lots more to explore...


  • Advisor
    Dr. Steven Chapra (Tufts)
  • Committee
    Dr. Alva Couch (Tufts)
    Dr. Richard Vogel (Tufts)
    Dr. Peter Shanahan (MIT)
  • Friends & Family:
    Dr. Elizabeth Halliday
    Dr. William Walker & Mrs. Martha Walker
  • All My Tufts Friends & Colleagues

